Regulating with purpose: new opportunities in a complex world | Watch on demand

Senior officials from Ofqual and the Office for Environmental Protection discuss renewing focus and priorities and adopting a user-centric approach

To protect consumers and businesses while fostering innovation and growth, regulators must be assertive and creative as they focus on how and why they fulfil their duties. This is the message from PA Consulting's latest research on how regulators are perceived, conducted last year with over 2,000 consumers and 500 businesses.

The findings show that while people are increasingly anxious about the future, in particular economic and social risks, perceptions of regulators have significantly improved over the past four years.

Nearly half of consumers feel less protected as the risk landscape shifts while over two-thirds of consumers and nearly three-quarters of businesses want regulators to do more to tackle climate change and support sustainability issues.

Meanwhile, regulators must show they can be a force to drive growth and innovation and deal with the shifting political landscape affecting all public servants.

Register to watch on-demand and hear from Michael Hanton, deputy chief regulator at Ofqual, and Natalie Prosser, chief executive at the Office for Environmental Protection, discuss with Conrad Thompson, Regulation and Innovation Expert at PA Consulting, and Civil Service World editor  Suzannah Brecknell how regulators can meet these challenges and the importance of renewing focus and priorities, adopting a user-centric approach to regulation, and the opportunities for reimagining regulation.

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