BIS lead non-exec to step down in December

Sir Andrew Witty, lead non-executive director of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and chief executive of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), has announced that he will step down from his government role in December.


By Joshua.Chambers

17 Jul 2013

Witty was appointed on a three-year term in December 2010, and has decided to leave once his term expires. BIS permanent secretary Martin Donnelly said: "I am immensely grateful to Sir Andrew for his contribution over the past two and a half years and I look forward to working with him for the rest of this year as he finalises his review into universities and growth. Sir Andrew has actively engaged with the challenges facing the economy and the government, bringing a wealth of business experience to the role.”

On Monday, GSK was accused by the Chinese government of paying officials £323m worth of bribes since 2007. The company said: "We are deeply concerned and disappointed by these serious allegations of fraudulent behaviour and ethical misconduct" and pledged to cooperate with the Chinese.

Earlier this year, the UK's Office of Fair Trading announced that it is investigating whether GSK broke competition law by paying companies to delay supply of a rival antidepressant medicine. Preventing competition in this way would force the NHS to continue buying GSK’s more expensive drug, the OfT said.

“GSK supports fair competition and we very strongly believe that we acted within the law,” the company said.

See also: Civil Service World has profiled all of government's non-executive directors

Read the most recent articles written by Joshua.Chambers - Interview: Alison Munro

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