The State of the Future: Learning lessons from a tumultuous decade as we plan for the next

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In 2012, as the country prepared for the London Olympics, the government published a Reform Plan seeking to build a more skilled, less bureaucratic, and more unified civil service. This wide-ranging programme set in train many changes that continue to shape the public sector today. It was overshadowed, however, by one unprecedented event after another. In the last decade, public services and public servants have had to adapt and react to years of austerity, the EU referendum and the political turmoil it caused, the coronavirus pandemic, and the UK’s eventual departure from the EU.

As all of this has unfolded, Deloitte and Reform have tracked and analysed changes through The State of the State report. Over the last ten years, this unique report has combined detailed analysis of government data with opinions from the public sector’s most senior leaders and citizens from across the UK to explore the key issues and trends that matter.

In this webinar, we brought together senior leaders who have worked – or are working – on public service reform to draw on the lessons and insights from a decade of The State of the State report. We asked what civil servants can learn from this tumultuous decade to help them shape the next ten years of public services.

  • Key themes of public service reform explored included: 
  • Austerity and efficiency
  • Building partnerships across sectors and with local partners
  • Embracing the power of digital
  • Creating a workforce for the future

As we explored these topics, we asked: what has created change in the last decade, and how can leaders continue to drive change, learning lessons from the past while keeping their eyes securely on the future?


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