Maritime surveillance gap puts UK at risk, says MoD committee

The decision by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to dismantle its Nimrod MRA4 maritime surveillance aircraft has created a gap in an essential defence capability, a report published today by the House of Commons Defence Select Committee has warned.

By Civil Service World

12 Sep 2012

The committee said it was “concerned about the MoD’s capacity to manage the risk created by the capability gap in maritime surveillance, and about its ability to react to demand”. It noted that the UK still has a “strategic requirement for maritime surveillance”, and raised concerns that the withdrawal of the Sentinel aircraft, four Type 22 Broadsword-class frigates, and the Sea King helicopters will further erode this capability.

The committee added that it was “unacceptable” that the MoD didn’t tell them it was scrapping its Nimrods while the MPs were preparing submissions to the Strategic Defence and Security Review.


Foreign Affairs
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