Cloud services: the silver lining of government reform?

Budget pressures and policy priorities are changing the public sector’s very core. Dozens of agencies and quangos have been merged or abolished, and almost every department and agency has undergone major reform. The strategic benefits of cloud technology have been thoroughly expounded, but can it actually work in practice?

When London & Continental Railways (LCR) was tasked with absorbing the real estate functions of the newly disbanded BRB (Residuary) Ltd, they faced several daunting questions:

1.How could they integrate the two companies’ disparate IT systems and data?
2.How were they physically going to move an organisation of 30 people into BRBR’s office of 40 people while avoiding the chaos of downtime of the day-to-day running of the business?
3.How could they ensure security with cloud IT?

With Cloud Direct’s help, LCR was able to integrate the two businesses and move them to cloud IT and VoIP systems over the course of one weekend, avoiding disruptive company downtime. The impact on the business has been immense, with six major benefits.

Download the case study to find out more.

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