Rethinking public sector fraud: 4 steps towards an operating system for fraud


Tackling fraud effectively requires different teams to share information and work together, but this is currently hard to do. Essential data is stuck in siloes, and governance regimes hinder collaboration both within departments and across government.

In addition, front-line teams — often the best placed to spot new fraud patterns — are not empowered to make improvements to systems; rigid, inflexible IT systems further inhibit these improvements, and evaluating the effectiveness of counter-fraud measures is difficult.

A fundamental shift in thinking is required. Simply introducing more point solutions, more people and more processes will never achieve the necessary step change in the government’s counter-fraud capacities. This kind of ‘wicked problem’ often breeds inertia because it seems beyond the power of any single player to solve. But significant levels of fraud do not — and should not — have to be accepted as simply a transaction cost of government.

The white paper covers:

  • Real-world examples of Palantir’s work with UK public bodies
  • How counter-fraud teams can identify new patterns quickly and react to potential risks in an agile way
  • How Foundry enables data sharing in line with compliance and governance policies

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