Data is central to everything government does: you can’t make good decisions, draw up good policy or design good services without good information. Government has plenty of information, but recent research carried out by CSW’s sister company Total Research, in partnership with Iron Mountain, found that departments are often storing that information in hybrid, fragmented systems, making it hard to access and safely use the data within them.
The same research found that nearly two-thirds of civil servants are still struggling linking paper records and digital systems to process and access citizen data – often risking potential data breaches and missing out on the advantages and benefits that digitisation and process flow automation can bring. So, what can government departments do to make better use of the information that is already in their organisation, enhance efficiency and provide seamless, integrated digital experiences for the public?
CSW has teamed up with Iron Mountain to host a free-to-attend webinar offering practical, best practice advice from senior officials in government, local authorities and the NHS on improving data visibility and access in your organisation.
Topics will include:
- How best to process data to transition from physical to digital storage, and how to do so if the transition has already started?
- How can KIM and DDaT teams raise awareness and visibility of their data?
- How data management can support digital transformation
- What are the critical barriers to going entirely paperless?
- What difficulties arise when using hybrid datasets, and how to overcome common issues?
- What approaches can be implemented for evaluating, restoring, and migrating information held on legacy systems?