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Paul Lincoln to lead immigration and customs-control body from September
Theresa May to urge US president Donald Trump to keep intelligence and security information secure
BT takes a look at the shifting nature of cyber threats, and how organisations can detect and prevent them
Last week's cyber hack exploited weaknesses in widely used computing systems across the public sector, particularly the NHS. Leaders need to get better at evaluating the small risk of very serious harm and getting vulnerabilities onto ministerial agendas
Letter dismisses government's claim that it meets 2% NATO defence spending target as “accounting deception”
William Ury, who has also helped end conflicts in Colombia, the Middle East and the Balkans, has met with officials
Justice Select Committee raises spectre of more fragmented services and weakened economies of scale from latest reform drive
Prime minister leads parliament in paying tribute to those affected
MPs warn that contract with Capita-led consortium has "failed to transform" Defence Infrastructure Organisation, and continued uncertainty will exacerbate ongoing recruitment challenges at the body set up to manage £31bn defence estate
Cabinet secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood among those to welcome appointment to top security post
National Audit Office says department’s attempts to address delays have compressed its Carrier Strike delivery schedule and “added risk with limited contingency”
PACAC slams the “absence of safeguards” to ensure prime ministers do not bypass proper cabinet procedures, and urges government to publish the lessons it has learned from Chilcot Inquiry
Fledgling ministry offers £90,000 a year for senior officer to deliver “single device” for international trade staff to work with
With the appointment of Mark Sedwill, Britain is now on its fourth national security adviser since 2010. Dr Joe Devanny asks whether such churn at the top really makes for effective government
Cressida Dick set to leave Foreign Office director general role to return to policing
Westminster City Council approves proposals for Whitehall landmark despite heritage concerns
Government rejects think tank's calculations which suggest the UK missed target to spend 2% of GDP on defence thanks to unexpectedly strong economic growth
Whitehall insider-turned-academic Richard Mottram says EU referendum and its aftermath underscores the uphill struggle of speaking truth to power
Single Source Regulations Office seeks greater oversight of contracts for non-competitive military goods
Appointments watchdog gives Air Marshal Sir Simon Bollom green light to set up consultancy and accept commissions – one of which involves MoD project
Ministry of Defence perm sec Stephen Lovegrove offers "expertise" to DExEU as Whitehall readies for Brexit – but downplays impact of European Union departure on the MoD's own work
The map of Whitehall has changed considerably in the months since Stephen Lovegrove left the Department of Energy and Climate Change to become Ministry of Defence perm sec. He tells Colin Marrs about the Brexit help his department can offer, the MoD’s role in boosting Britain’s industry and the staffing cuts he’s tasked with making. Photos by Paul Heartfield
Cabinet secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood praises outgoing intelligence chief – who tells ministers he is resigning for personal reasons – for his decades of "dedicated public service"
With the end of 2016 fast approaching, we asked the UK's top civil servants to look back at the year, outline their goals for 2017 – and shed some light on their festive favourites. Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) chief executive Oliver Morley takes part in our annual perm secs round-up