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How far are the massive changes brought on by Brexit accelerating the reversal of 1990s decentralisation, and will they usher in a more centralised machinery of government in the long term?
A flagship industrial policy has made government think afresh about how it should support the economy. But will the plan have the staying power to influence decisions in the years to come?
Unprecedented report makes demands of six departments and calls for better oversight to ‘prevent policy from working at cross-purposes’
Theresa May announces new analysis intended to keep the UK as a world leader in social investment
Report highlights warnings of a ‘crisis-driven’ approach of local authorities increasingly focus on providing core statutory social services
Sacked first secretary of state calls for publication of Brexit analysis as more MPs accuse the Treasury of blocking leave plans
Independent review offers five recommendations to help department deliver aid more effectively
As cross-party power-sharing talks collapse, decisions made by senior officials in absence of an executive are challenged in Belfast High Court
Appointments watchdog publishes advice letter to Ameetpal Gill over contract with Oliver Letwin’s cross-party Brexit initiative
Describing GDS as "well-meaning but increasingly peripheral", departments are starting to take back digital responsibilities. This is a mistake
Shadow body overseeing hubs programme and New Property Model expected to go live last year
Departments called on to be more open about policy challenges at five-year anniversary of the What Works Network
Civil Service Employee Policy unit is developing a carer’s charter to be adopted by departments this year
IfG Whitehall Monitor also highlighted the impact that ministerial turnover is having in policy delivery, including Brexit
PCS calls for pause in programme and more resources for HMRC as it plans for post-Brexit customs landscape
Think tank has called on the government to undertake “thorough review of the public sector’s relationship with contractors” amid sector’s woes.
Official statistics body launches audit of inequalities data and signals desire to work closely with rest of government and civil society
Review of the role of non-executives concludes that few Whitehall boards are working well
Cabinet Office has reportedly been monitoring the firm since last September amid fears for future
New deputy director will lead centralised team helping Whitehall manage the digital implications of leaving the EU while maintaining longer-term transformation goals
Public administration select committee announces new inquiry into risks of outsourcing following collapse of contractor Carillion
Public Accounts Committee says that HMRC’s wide-ranging reform plans have been thrown into doubt by its extra Brexit workload