Latest civil service & public affairs moves – May 30

New appointments in the civil service, UK politics, and public affairs, via our colleagues at Dods People

By Tevye Markson

30 May 2022

UK Government

  • Prime Minister's Office –Lady Emma Barnard appointed as her majesty's lord-lieutenant of the County of West Sussex, succeeding Susan Pyper who retires on 31 July. The reverend Canon Robert Saner-Haigh approved for nomination as the bishop of Penrith, succeeding the right reverend Dr Emma Ineson following her resignation. The reverend Canon Arun Arora approved for nomination as the bishop of Kirkstall, succeeding the right reverend Paul Slater following his retirement.
  • Ministry of Defence: Single Source Regulations Office – Joanne Watts appointed as chief regulatory officer.
  • Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport: Natural History Museum – Mark Read appointed as trustee for four years from 1 June until 31 May 2026.
  • Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office – Nicole Davison appointed as British high commissioner to Belize from September, succeeding Claire Evans, who will be retiring from the diplomatic service.
  • Home Office : Disclosure and Barring Service – Mary Cunneen re-appointed as non-executive director for two and a half years; Samantha Durrant re-appointed as non-executive director for three years.
  • Department for International Trade – Maria Miller appointed as the prime minister's trade envoy to Canada. John Whittingdale appointed as the PM's Trade Envoy to South Korea. Lord Hutton of Furness appointed as the PM's trade envoy to Turkey.

Houses of Parliament

House of Commons

  • Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee – Sir Robert Goodwill elected as chair.
  • Health and Social Care Committee – Marco Longhi added; Paul Bristow discharged.
  • Tiverton and Honiton by-election – candidates announced:
  • Wakefield by-election – candidates announced:

House of Lords

  • Lord Irvine of Lairg (Labour) granted a leave of absence on 23 May.
  • Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour) granted a leave of absence on 24 May.
  • Lord Malloch-Brown (crossbench) granted a leave of absence on 25 May.
  • Industry and Regulators Committee – Lord Allen of Kensington and Lord Trefgarne discharged.



  • Christian Wakeford appointed PPS to Bridget Phillipson as shadow education secretary.

Devolved Administrations

Scottish Parliament

  • Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee – Jeremy Balfour added; Craig Hoy discharged.
  • Education, Children and Young People Committee – Sue Webber added; Stephen Kerr discharged.
  • Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee – Rachael Hamilton added; Alexander Stewart discharged.
  • Health, Social Care and Sport Committee – Tess White added; Sue Webber discharged.
  • Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee – Alexander Stewart added; Tess White discharged.

Scottish Government

  • Scottish Fiscal Commission – Professor Graeme Roy appointed as chair, succeeding Dame Susan Rice.

Welsh Parliament

  • Local Government and Housing Committee – Jayne Bryant added; Alun Davies discharged.

Welsh Government

  • Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales – Dianne Bevan appointed as member.

Northern Ireland Executive

  • US-Ireland R&D Partnership Steering Group – Noel Lavery appointed as Northern Ireland co-chair.

Local Authorities

  • Swansea Council – Martin Nicholls appointed as interim chief executive.


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Interest Groups

  • Brevia Consulting – Professor Gillian Leng appointed to Brevia Health’s advisory board.
  • Catch22 – Naomi Hulston appointed as chief executive.
  • English Symphony Orchestra – Seb Lovell-Huckle appointed as chief executive from 8 August.

Check out a selection of upcoming courses from our colleagues at Dods Training:

  • Reading Legislation – 27 May 2022 (Online)
  • Strategic Thinking for the Public Sector – 8 June 2022 (Online)
  • Writing Skills Training – 13 June 2022 (Online)

For the full list and to book your place click here.

Read the most recent articles written by Tevye Markson - McFadden promises pay update within days


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