Latest civil service & public affairs moves — November 9

New appointments in the civil service, UK politics, and public affairs, via our colleagues at Dods People

Government departments

  • Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office – Ross Allen has been appointed Her Majesty’s ambassador to the Republic of Estonia in succession to Theresa Bubbear. Fleur Thomas has been appointed Her Majesty’s ambassador to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in succession to John Marshall. Sharon Wardle has been appointed Her Majesty’s ambassador to the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria in succession to Barry Lowen. Catherine Brooker has been appointed Her Majesty’s ambassador to the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire in succession to Josephine Gauld.
  • Home Office – David Bolt to have his term as chief inspector of borders and immigration extended while recruitment to the role takes place.
  • Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – James Quinault appointed as interim director general for Europe, international and constitution group, replacing Shaun Gallagher. Sarah Homer appointed as interim director general strategy and change, replacing James Quinault, remaining as chief operating officer.
  • Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport: British Tourist Authority – Judith Macgregor reappointed as a trustee. Theatres Trust – Annie Hampson, Jane Spiers, and Katie Town appointed as trustees.
  • Department for Education: Construction Industry Training Board – Sarah Beale to stand down as chief executive in September 2021.

Houses of Parliament

House of Lords

  • Lord Shutt of Greetland (Liberal Democrat, life peer) died on 30 October.

House of Commons

  • Procedure Committee – Aaron Bell replaced Rob Roberts as a member.

Local authorities

  • Sedgemoor District Council – Allison Griffin to stand down as chief executive at the end of March.
  • Maldon District Council – Wendy Stamp elected as leader of the council.


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Interest groups

  • General Medical Council – Shaun Gallagher appointed as director of strategy and policy.
  • BBC Children in Need – Fozia Irfan named as director of children and young people.
  • UK Community Foundations – Andrew Tuggey named as chair.
  • National Garden Scheme – Rupert Tyler to replace Martin McMillan as chair.


  • Hanover – Nick King joined as chief political adviser.
  • Whitehouse – Max Wilson appointed as a director.

Read the most recent articles written by Dods People - Latest civil service & public affairs moves – July 22


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