Whitty knighted in New Year's Honours celebrating government scientists and medics

UKHSA and MHRA heads also recognised, along with new Scottish Government perm sec
Sir Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance, both named Knights Commander of the Order of the Bath in the New Year's Honours

Some of the brightest stars in public health and science have been recognised in the New Year’s Honours, with Chris Whitty, Jonathan Van-Tam and Jenny Harries among the faces of the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic to get accolades.

Leading scientists dominated the top ranks of the 2022 honours, with the government’s chief medical officer and chief scientific adviser, Patrick Vallance, both named Knights Commander of the Order of the Bath. Vallance was knighted two years ago for his services to open clinical science.

Harries, chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency, and June Raine, chief exec of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, were made Dames Commander.

Deputy CMO Jonathan Van-Tam and the chief medical officers of both the Welsh and Scottish Governments, Francis Atherton and Gregor Smith, were all knighted for services to public health. 

They were joined by Anthony Finkelstein, who was the government’s chief scientific adviser for national security until last year, and Robin Grimes, former CSA for the Ministry of Defence.

Peter Riddell, who stepped down as commissioner for public appointments in September, was also knighted.

Other key figures in the Covid response were recognised elsewhere in the honours list, with Vaccine Taskforce director general Madelaine McTernan among those made Companions of the Order of the Bath – a gong that recognises public servants. HM Revenue and Customs DGs Joanna Rowland and Treasury DG Beth Russell both got the title for services to the economy during Covid-19.

Honours also went to a number of staff working behind the scenes, including Government Office for Science director Stuart Wainwright, who was awarded an OBE for services to contingency planning and response.

But civil servants involved in programmes across government were recognised for a broad range of services beyond those tied to the pandemic. JP Marks, who becomes permanent secretary for the Scottish Government this week, was named a CB for services for welfare reform in his post as DG for work and health at the Department for Work and Pensions.

Gareth Davies, who was recently named as second perm sec at the Department for Transport was also named CB.

Civil servants recognised in the 2022 New Year's Honours – the full list

Civil servants named CB:

  • Ruth Bailey, Lately Director of Human Resources, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. For services to Human Resources 
  • Elizabeth Ditchburn, Director General, Economy, Scottish Government. For services to the Scottish Economy 
  • Catherine Frances, Director General, Local Government and Public Services, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. For services to Local Government
  • Richard Pengelly, Chief Executive, Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Service and Permanent Secretary, Department of Health Northern Ireland. For services to Health and to the Government

Civil servants named CBEs:

  • Edmund Anderson, Chairman and Independent Non-Executive Director, National Savings and Investments. For services to the Financial Sector and Public Life in Yorkshire
  • Phillip Blythe, Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for Transport. For services to Science and Engineering in Transport and Government
  • Jonathan Bromfield, Director, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. For Public Service
  • Linda Brown, Chief Executive Officer, Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. For services to Justice and the Victims of Crime
  • Rebecca Ellis, Director, Northern Ireland and Ireland, Cabinet Office. For Public Service
  • Professor Fenton, Regional Director, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Department for Health and Social Care, and Regional Director, Public Health, NHS London. For services to Public Health
  • Daniel Greaves, Crime Director, Home Office. For services to Law and Order
  • Albert Heaney, Chief Social Care Officer for Wales. For services to Social Care
  • Nicola Spence, Deputy Director, Plant and Bee Health and Chief Plant Health Officer, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. For services to Plant Health
  • John Johnston, Deputy Secretary, Healthcare Policy Group, Department of Health. For services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland (Belfast, Belfast) 
  • Robert Jones, Director, Threat Leadership, National Crime Agency. For services to Prevention of Serious and Organised Crime.
  • John Mitchell, Principal Medical Officer, Scottish Government. For services to Improving Mental Health in Scotland
  • David Raw, Deputy Director, HM Treasury. For services to the Covid-19 Response
  • Benjamin Rimmington, Lately Co-Director, Road Safety Standards and Services, Department for Transport. For services to Transport during Covid-19
  • Philippa Rouse, Director, Future Border and Immigration System, Home Office. For Public Service
  • Susannah Simon, Director, UK-EU Trade Partnership, EU Secretariat, Cabinet Office. For Public Service
  • Donna Ward Sanderson, Director, Poverty, Families and Disadvantage, Department for Work and Pensions. For Public Service
  • Elizabeth Whittaker, Director of Knowledge, Analysis and Information, HM Revenue and Customs. For services to the Covid-19 Response

Civil servants named OBEs:

  • Owen Abbott, Head, Census and Population Statistics Methodology, Office for National Statistics. For services to Census and Population Statistics
  • Syed Ahmed, Clinical Director, Health Protection Scotland. For services to the Covid-19 Vaccination Programme
  • Hindpal Bhui, Inspection Team Leader, HM Inspectorate of Prisons. For services to Custody Facilities during Covid-19
  • Evelyn Bowman, JP Senior Complaints Manager, Ministerial Complaints Team, HM Revenue and Customs. For Public Service 
  • Veronica Bowman, Statistics and Data Science Fellow, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. For services to Defence and the Covid-19 Response
  • Kathryn Boyd, Lately Deputy Director, EU Secretariat, Cabinet Office. For Public Service
  • Henrietta Brown, Business Operations Lead, Office for National Statistics. For services to the Census of England and Wales
  • Robin Caley, Senior Lawyer, HM Revenue and Customs. For services to Tax and Pandemic Support
  • James Cruddas, Deputy Director, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. For Public Service
  • Japinder Dhesi, Lately Team Leader, Cabinet Office. For Public Service
  • Carol Dutch, Scotland Employer, Partnership and Devolution Strategic Lead, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to Vulnerable people in Glasgow
  • Julie Foley, Director, Flood Risk Management Strategy and National Adaptation, Environment Agency. For services to Managing Flood Risk
  • Julian Gibbs, Lately Head of Extradition, Home Office. For services to International Legal and Judicial Co-operation
  • Lianne Hawkes, Team Leader, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence (London, Greater London) 
  • Oliver Haydon, Deputy Director, HM Treasury. For services to European Negotiations
  • Alison Kilbane-Griffiths, Corporate Customer Relationship Manager, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. For services to Transport
  • Alexander Lambert, Deputy Director, Covid Infection Survey Operations, Office for National Statistics. For services to Statistics and Public Health
  • Katharine Liddell, Officer, National Crime Agency. For services to Law Enforcement and Ecology
  • Julie Lindsay, Chief Operating Officer, Office of the Public Guardian. For services to Vulnerable People and the Community
  • Joanna Macrae, Co-Head, International Forests and Land Use, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. For services to the Environment
  • Christopher Manson, Interim Chief Executive, UK Government Investments. For services to Business and the Economy
  • William Marks, Senior Policy Liaison, Analysis and Civil Contingencies Secretariat Dashboard, Cabinet Office and Office of National Statistics. For Public Service
  • David McCarthy, Team Leader, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence
  • Keith Meade, Assistant Head, Physical Security Policy, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence and to Diversity
  • Kathryn Munson, Head, Probation Services, Hull and East Riding, National Probation Service. For services to the Criminal Justice System
  • Heather Murray, Senior Partnership Manager, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to Vulnerable People and Social Justice
  • David Newton, Policy Manager, Energy, Consumers and Engagement, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. For services to People Experiencing Fuel Poverty
  • Stephen Piper, Team Leader, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence
  • Alastair Reid, Probation National Security Lead, HM Prison and Probation Service. For services to Public Protection in England and Wales
  • Thomas Rutherford, Lately Head, Encryption and Online Safety, Home Office. For services to Public Safety
  • Sindy Skeldon, Deputy Director, Universal Credit National Services, Work and Health Services, Department for Work and Pensions. For Public Service
  • Faye Smith, Materials Specialist, Department for International Trade and Independent Consultant. For Public Service
  • Louise Smith, Deputy Director, Arts and Libraries Team, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. For services to the Arts during Covid-19
  • Scott Stevenson, Deputy Director, Covid-19 Taskforce, Cabinet Office. For Public Service
  • Kevin Sweeney, Lately Head, Central Survey Unit, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. For Public Service, particularly during Covid-19
  • Sanjiv Vedi, Assistant Director, Head, Office of the Chief Social Care Officer for Wales. For Public, Charitable and Voluntary Service
  • Stuart Wainwright, Director, Government Office for Science. For services to Contingency Planning and Response
  • John Ward, Lately Deputy Director, Department for Work and Pensions Legal Advisers, Government Legal Department. For Public Service
  • Sandra White, Lately National Lead for Dental Public Health, Public Health England. For services to Dental Public Health and Covid-19
  • Katrina Williams, Head, Office and Travel Solutions, Crown Commercial Service. For Public Service
  • Douglas Wilson, Chief Scientist, Environment Agency. For services to Environmental Research and the Covid-19 Response
  • Derek Wood, Head, Retirement Services Assurance, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to Pensioners

Civil servants named MBEs included:

  • Abigail Agyei, Lately Senior Policy Adviser, People, Places and Communities, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. For Public Service
  • Samantha Anderson, Senior Policy Adviser, Pensions and Savings Tax, HM Treasury. For Public Service
  • Juliette Barker, Business Readiness Lead, Leicester, HM Revenue and Customs. For Public Service
  • Sarah Boyle, Team Leader, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence 
  • Arjmund Butt, For services to HM Revenue and Customs and the BAME Community
  • Luke Collet-Fenson, Senior Private Secretary to the Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health and Social Care. For Public Service during Covid-19
  • Nicola Colson, Head of Dose Sharing, Vaccine Taskforce, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. For services to Global Health
  • Heather Drysdale, Lately Returns Engagement Team Leader, Home Office. For Public Service
  • Johnny Elford, Officer, National Crime Agency. For services to Law Enforcement
  • William Evans, Head, Enforcement Transformation, Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency. For services to Road Safety during Covid-19
  • Hedley Featherstone, Centenary Delivery Executive, Civil Service Sports Council. For services to Civil Service Sport and Volunteering
  • Monica Fitzpatrick, Deputy Principal, Equality and LGBT Policy Unit, Department for Communities, Northern Ireland Executive. For services to Equality and LGBTQ+ Rights and voluntary services to Law and Order
  • Tara Garlo, Paralegal Assistant, Crown Prosecution Service. For Public Service
  • Imelda Gavin, Compliance Officer, HM Revenue and Customs. For services to the Excise Compliance Strategy
  • Marcia Glanvill, Administrative Support, HM Revenue and Customs. For services to Workplace Wellness and to the community in Merseyside
  • Max Hacon, Lately Deputy Director, Covid-19 Response Programme, HM Revenue and Customs. For services to the Covid-19 Response
  • Geoffrey Hardwicke, Team Leader, Hydrometry and Telemetry, Environment Agency. For services to Hydrometry
  • Neil Harris, Senior Officer, Counterfeit Currency, National Crime Agency. For services to Law Enforcement
  • Tony Hyland, Senior National Account Manager, Department for Work and Pensions. For services to Disadvantaged People
  • Hardip Lawana, Senior Officer, Border Force, Home Office. For services to Border Security and to Workplace Wellbeing
  • Simon Lee, Group Chief Executive, Civil Service Sports Council. For services to Sport and Wellbeing
  • James Lovett, Team Leader, Ministry of Defence. For services to Defence
  • George Marcar, Driver Policy Implementation Manager, Transport for London. For services to Transport in London
  • Marc Masey, Senior Private Secretary to the Chief Medical Officer, Department for Health and Social Care. For Public Service during Covid-19
  • Arron Maspero, Programme Delivery Manager, Census Field Devices, Office for National Statistics. For services to Census 2021 Field Operations
  • Janet McAlister, Lately Lead Officer, School Catering Service, Education Authority Northern Ireland. For services to Education in Northern Ireland
  • Simon Morton, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, UK Sport. For services to Sport 
  • Kathryn Newell, Lately Head, Business and Innovation, Government Office for Science. For services to Government Science
  • Sarah Osborne, Branch Support Manager, National Crime Agency. For services to Law Enforcement
  • Isaac Phillip, Trade Capability Adviser, Department for International Trade. For services to International Trade
  • Sue Thorpe, Senior Delivery Lead, Regional Delivery Directorate, Department for Education. For services to Education
  • Luke Reynolds, Senior Private Secretary to the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Government Office for Science. For services to Science in Government
  • Yvonne Rogan, Policy Adviser, Public Bodies Team, Cabinet Office. For services to Diversity and Inclusion
  • Joanna Salter, Pilot and Aviation Ambassador, Department for Transport. For services to Aviation
  • John Salter, Head of Private Office, Vaccine Taskforce, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. For Public Service
  • Charan Sekhon, Senior Environment Officer, Environment Agency and Founder Chairman, SEVA Trust UK. For services to Charity, Diversity and the Environment, particularly during Covid-19
  • Deborah Sewell, Legal Adviser and Legal Team Manager, HM Courts and Tribunals Service. For services to the Administration of Justice and to Vulnerable and Homeless People
  • Paul Smith, Lately Fraud Response Team Leader, Scottish Government. For services to the Counter Fraud Profession in Scotland
  • Jason Swettenham, National Head, Prison Industries, Catering, Retail Services and Physical Education, HM Prison and Probation Service. For services to Sport
  • Jonathan Turner, South West Regional Head, Laboratory Operations, Public Health England. For services to Public Health during Covid-19
  • Saleem Uddin, Category Director, Crown Commercial Service, Cabinet Office. For Public and Charitable Services
  • Stacy Walsh, Local Authority Relationship Manager, Valuation Office Agency. For Public Service
  • Jayne Ward, Lately Leader, Merseyside Districts Large Recruitment Team, Department for Work and Pensions. For Public Service in Merseyside

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