Latest moves in the civil service & public affairs – April 25

New appointments in the civil service, UK politics, and public affairs, via our colleagues on Dods People

Government departments

  • Water Services Regulation Authority – Mark Bayley, Alison Munro and Tim Waggot appointed as Non-Executive Members, Aileen Armstrong and John Russell as Executive Members
  • Office of Communications – Mary Teresa Rainey appointed as Deputy Chair of Channel 4
  • Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Antonia Romeo appointed Her Majesty’s Consul General in New York and as Director-General Economic and Commercial Affairs USA.
  • Department for Education: Jonathan Slater appointed as Permanent Secretary, replacing Chris Wormald from 3rd May.
  • Cabinet Office: Liam Maxwell appointed as National Technology Adviser; Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments – Peter Riddell appointed as Commissioner for Public Appointments.
  • Department of Health: NHS Digital (formerly Health and Social Care Information Centre) Noel Gordon has been appointed as the new Chair.
  • HM Treasury: Monetary Policy Committee – Michael Saunders appointed as an external member.
  • Department for Culture, Media & Sport: Sarika Patel, John Baillie and Catharine Seddon appointed as Gambling Commissioners for five years and Simone Pennie and Stephen Cohen for four years.

House of Lords

  • Lord Renton of Mount Harry (Conservative, Life Peer) retired 14th April.
  • Lord Cameron of Lochbroom (Crossbench, Life Peer) retired 21st April.

House of Commons

  • Rushanara Ali appointed as UK Trade Envoy to Bangladesh.

Local Authorities

  • Argyll and Bute Council - Cleland Sneddon to replace Sally Loudon as Chief Executive from 9th May.
  • Buckinghamshire County Council - Rachael Shimmin appointed as Chief Executive.
  • West Sussex County Council – Nathan Elvery appointed as Chief Executive, starting June 27th.

Industry, Trade Associations & Interest Groups

  • Irish Farmers' Association – Joe Healy elected as President
  • British Air Transport Association – Tim Alderslade appointed as Chief Executive
  • Field Consulting – Alex Morton to join as a Director in May
  • Barclaycard – Amer Sajed appointed as Chief Executive
  • Tata Steel - Bimlendra Jha appointed as Chief Executive
  • Islamic Relief Worldwide – Naser Haghamed appointed as Chief Executive

Read the most recent articles written by Dods People - Latest civil service & public affairs moves – July 22

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