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The government’s Covid-19 response has been driven by expert advice, in a way that isn’t always clear in public policy. Can it stay that way throughout the crisis?
For nearly three years, data managers across government have been waiting for the long-promised National Data Strategy. Civica’s Mark Humphries points out that the obstacles to its development are clearing – and maps out a way forward
Chancellor says government will boost R&D spending to £22bn a year by 2024-25
Department to explore ‘merits of a mandatory approach’ across Whitehall
Cabinet Office seeks supplier to fulfil two-year contract
The inaugural CSW Innovation Lecture considered the importance of cross-sector working to realise the potential of new technologies. Charlotte Newbury reports
The UK’s security exports are booming, and DIT’s Defence and Security Organisation is helping businesses present a united front when competing for international trade. Deputy director Tracy Buckingham for security and cyber security tells all
The UK government should look west for ideas on fostering security innovation from the tech sector, says Alexis Long
Digital department also reveals work to “understand and address the issues with legacy IT in government”
Policies "not yet operating with the consistency and coordination, nor with the scale" needed to meet industrial strategy goals
Prospect survey concern that staff will not be involved in decisions about how future tech is implemented
Cabinet Office hosts Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall for Whitehall showcase
Chris Whitty says NHS has to prepare for 2% mortality rate but reality could be much less
The UK’s regulatory framework for AI in the public sector is "still a work in progress", the Committee on Standards in Public Life chair says
CDO will build on work to overhaul internal systems
Manzoni says competition was "whisper close" but environment team beat our competition
Policy Exchange urges government to get on with setting up UK ARPA as science minister Chris Skidmore says it could be formed this year
In our January issue, CSW asks experts to give their thoughts on the new government’s policy priorities. In this entry, Committee on Climate Change chief executive Chris Stark sets out what the government needs to do to in 2020 to reduce the risks of climate impacts
Chinese vendor will remain excluded from so-called core areas of the network
Machines will eliminate need for heavy cones to be manually laid on busy roads
Tax agency looks to invest in cryptoanalysis tool
In our January issue, CSW asks experts to give their thoughts on the new government’s policy priorities. In this entry, Tom Forth calls for transparency in government spending decisions
New award will recognise bodies that have adopted Office for Statistics Regulation’s trustworthiness, quality and value pledges outside official stats
National Audit Office flags lack of measurable objectives and impact evaluation in department’s £2.4bn-a-year portfolio of help